Reserve Your HARMONY AT WORK today
Work-site Wellness Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation
& Virtual Service
Single Session or Webinar
Bi-Weekly Program
Weekly Program: 4 One-Hour Sessions
In-Studio or On Site Sound Bath Service:
For better mental health and improved productivity

More Peace + Happiness at Work
HARMONY AT WORK is a VIRTUAL BUSINESS WELLNESS PROGRAM developed in the time that we are socially distanced but digitally connected. Working tasks, relationships and too many distractions may be complicated and overwhelming as stress builds up. Even though we love the flexibility that comes with working from home, some may feel stressful when trying to balance career and family.
A Mindful Workplace is a Happy One. Happiness at workplace is a reflection of productivity and success of the business. When employees are happy with their work, it is rewarded in the final outcome. This program is aimed in creating awareness and cultivating a dynamic but more balanced and peaceful environment at work. We share tools to help you be consciously present and more acceptance of yourself, open for better communications and build a stronger team.
A perfect program for wellness like-minded Leaders who are interested in employee’s mental and physical health, welcomes Small Business, Startups, Entrepreneur, and Creators.

Stress Relief + Mindful Techniques
Virtual and Onsite Wellness Services: HARMONY AT WORK connects with you remotely and virtually. Our service is dedicated for building a wellness community.
We customize a special plan with your choice including Chair and Mat Yoga, Breathing and Meditation sessions. You may sign up for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly sessions at reduced costs with flexible schedule as a wellness incentive program for your employees.
Team Building Activity With Yoga + Asana (poses) physical aspect (chair/ mat yoga)
*Strengthens communication and trust between members of a team. Bonding happens best when sharing a pose or sequence that is inspiring and fun, while boosting immunity for health and happiness!

Find creative solutions and improve productivity in order to collaborate and share a common vision.

Cultivating Wellness in the Workplace
- pranayama (breathing techniques involves breathe retention) Prana the vital life force;
- Meditation (to quiet our busy mind and not being distracted with all the meaningless thoughts that we holds on).