
About Harmony Family Yoga

Harmony Family Yoga, a boutique yoga studio in Thousand Oaks, is dedicated to providing inclusive and holistic yoga experiences. Rooted in the enriching and inspiring traditions of yoga and meditation, our mission is to embody the ancient Eastern concept of “和” (harmony). We strive to share the wisdom of harmonious living, fostering a sense of balance and well-being within ourselves, our families, and in harmony with our social and natural surroundings.

At Harmony Family Yoga, our philosophy centers around the concept of harmony:

Harmony with Yourself: Our practice focuses on yoga and mindfulness as tools to unify the mind, body, and soul. We believe that inner harmony is the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Harmony in a family: We encourage a shift in awareness towards complete self-acceptance, fostering respect and compassion for one another within families. It is through these values that we strengthen the bonds that connect us.

Harmony in the community: We hold dear the principles of loving-kindness and unconditional giving to foster a sense of joy, freedom, and ultimate serenity within our community. Our ultimate goal is to spread love and compassion throughout our global community on Planet Earth.

At Harmony Family Yoga, our community mission revolves around the seamless integration of wellness and yoga into various aspects of life:

  • Inner Harmony through Yoga and Wellness: Our primary goal is to empower individuals to attain inner harmony through wellness yoga practices. By providing guidance and support, we help people discover peace within themselves.
  • Harmony Among People and Families: We emphasize the importance of nurturing harmonious relationships within families and communities. Through yoga and meditation, we promote mutual respect, understanding, and total well-being.
  • Harmony with Nature and Environmental Awareness: We recognize the essential need to harmonize our actions with the environment. Our commitment to sustainability and eco-consciousness is central to our mission, promoting not just personal but also environmental awareness.
  • Holistic Wellness and Balance: We advocate for a balanced approach to life that considers economic, social, and environmental well-being. We believe that embracing wellness and harmony in all these aspects is vital for the health and happiness of present and future generations.
  • Global Peace, Cohesion, and Social Wellness: By promoting social harmony through our wellness yoga practices, we aim to contribute to greater peace, unity, and overall well-being within our communities, nation, and the world.

Our mission is to inspire and facilitate these forms of wellness and harmony, fostering a more balanced, peaceful, and holistic way of life for everyone.

Yoga Instructors


Cici Bo

Founder of Harmony Family Yoga

Adult Yoga, Children and Teens, Trauma-informed Yoga Instructor; Mindfulness Meditation facilitator; Therapy Harp Healer.

Cici Bo is a dedicated yoga professional, mother, and lifelong learner who has seamlessly integrated the philosophy of yoga into her personal and family life. She holds a coveted RYT 500 certification from Yoga Alliance and possesses specialized training in Children and Teens Yoga as well as Trauma-informed Yoga. Her journey as a yoga instructor began when she taught her first yoga class for physically and mentally challenged children at an orphanage in a quaint village near Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Witnessing the profound joy on every child’s face as they embraced each movement, regardless of their limitations, fueled her passion for sharing yoga’s transformative potential.

With a rich background in the creative and production aspects of the film and television industry and a decade of experience as a principal dancer with an award-winning youth dance academy, Cici brings a unique blend of creativity, discipline, and artistry to her yoga practice.

Today, Cici’s mission is to extend the healing power of yoga to families and individuals throughout her community. Her primary objective is to cultivate a nurturing, non-competitive, and safe space where all can experience the profound benefits of yoga. Cici envisions yoga not as a mere practice but as a way of life, helping individuals find mental, physical, and spiritual balance in their daily routines. Through her dedication, Cici strives to offer yoga and mindfulness education that empowers children, parents, and families, all in the pursuit of fostering harmony within our community.

Chandra Gero

Therapeutic Yoga

Chandra Gero is a seasoned Therapeutic Yoga Instructor with nearly two decades of experience. Her journey into yoga began after earning a degree in dance, seeking to deepen her understanding of the mind-body connection.

Chandra completed her initial yoga teacher training at Mount Madonna Center in Santa Cruz, California, and in 1999, she received initiation into yoga from her beloved teacher, Baba Hari Dass. Chandra’s commitment to yoga education continues, and she recently obtained certification in Therapeutic Yoga. Her enduring passion for yoga shines through in her teaching, evident in every class she leads.

Lori Killion

Gentle & Restorative Yoga

Lori’s introduction to yoga was driven by a desire for pain management and improved flexibility, which she discovered many years ago. The profound sense of balance, strength, and tranquility that yoga brought into her life captivated her.

Specializing in gentle and restorative yoga, Lori’s teaching approach emphasizes the harmonious interplay between strength, flexibility, and healing. Her classes blend gentle movements, focused breathwork, and techniques to enhance flexibility, all performed at a deliberate pace with modifications tailored to various experience levels and individual needs. Lori’s classes typically include dedicated time for meditation, yogic breathwork, and relaxation.

Kristie Covaleski

Hatha Yoga

Kristie believes that yoga is more than physical postures; it’s about uniting mind, body, and spirit. Her classes focus on balancing physical postures and body movement together with conscious breathing and a deep inner awareness, encouraging students to cultivate intentions to discover that yoga is much more than just touching their toes.

As a certified yoga instructor since 2014 with over 25 years of personal practice, Kristie sees yoga as a grounding anchor in life’s journey. She continues to deepen her knowledge through training with respected teachers like Judith Hanson Lasater, Max Strom, Tracee Stanley, and Claire Hartley. Join Kristie to explore the continuous journey of yoga with an open mind, open heart, and curiosity. 

Sabrina Samedi

Trauma-Infomed Yoga
Marriage & Family Therapist Associate, MA, AMFT, RYT


Sabrina, affectionately known as Sabi, wears two hats: she’s a therapist and a dedicated yogi. What initially drew her to therapy – the healing and connection – is precisely what she finds on the yoga mat when surrounded by fellow practitioners. In her classes, Sabi strives to create a welcoming and nurturing environment, akin to a home, where students can move mindfully and breathe intentionally. Her approach is not about perfection but about discovering the magic and inspiration that exists within each practitioner on the mat, just as they are. Sabi envisions the yoga mat as a soft landing place for those seeking purposeful movement and a supportive community.

Rocio Borzage

Gentle & Yin Yoga

Rocio is passionate about guiding others to discover their best selves through yoga. Her classes offer a welcoming space where students of all levels can connect with their inner light, leaving each session feeling expansive and rejuvenated. Rocio seamlessly integrates healing modalities with yoga, combining energy work, movement, breath, and mindfulness to nurture each student’s full potential.

As a 200-hour RYT certified instructor and a certified Reiki Master, Rocio also dedicates her time to volunteering in underserved communities, sharing the transformative power of yoga. For Rocio, yoga is a sacred practice that connects us to universal energy and love, enriching the journey of every individual.

Tracey Sitomer

Prenatal Yoga

Tracey is a seasoned certified prenatal yoga instructor with three decades of yoga practice under her belt. To Tracey, yoga is not just an exercise; it’s a profound opportunity to reconnect with the body, mind, and spirit. She accomplishes this through the holistic integration of breathwork, mindfulness, and asana into her teachings.

As a mother of two wonderful daughters, Tracey approaches each day with a profound sense of gratitude, kindness, and compassion, both for herself and those around her. Her journey as a yoga instructor has afforded her the privilege of assisting individuals in reaching their highest potential. Tracey takes immense pride in sharing her love, wisdom, and vibrant energy for wellness and yoga, knowing that her efforts make a meaningful impact on each person’s life that she touches.

Raquel Ratoviz

Hatha Yoga

Raquel, formerly a pastry chef and baker, embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery through yoga and meditation. These practices instilled in her the virtues of patience, stress management, mindfulness, and a deep appreciation for life’s simple joys. In her pursuit to honor her truest self, Raquel shifted her life’s trajectory, leaving behind old values to embrace her newfound path. She was inspired to share the wisdom she gained during this transformation with others.

Raquel’s yoga journey led her to obtain her 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training certification in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, where she merged sacred practices from both Eastern and Western traditions. Intrigued by the yogic value system (yamas and niyamas) and the philosophical underpinnings of yoga asanas (poses), she was motivated to deepen her knowledge further.

Lisa Marie

Vinyasa Flow

Lisa’s dedicated yoga journey began in earnest in 2010, where she embarked on a daily practice, obtained certifications, and harnessed her knowledge and intuition to lead classes in prominent cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Vancouver, BC. During the lockdowns, she maintained an online presence, conducting sessions for up to 70 participants on Zoom every other morning. Lisa continues to teach weekly, consistently emphasizing the importance of honoring one’s unique body and breath in her instruction.

Christina Saab

Yin Yoga

Christina’s journey into yoga began in 2022 during her pregnancy, when she discovered its transformative power. What started as a daily practice quickly blossomed into a profound appreciation for the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of this ancient tradition. Driven by her passion, Christina earned her 200-hour certification, a 20-hour Yin Yoga certification, and a Reiki Level One certification.

Christina believes that Yin Yoga offers a unique form of healing, providing a powerful practice for surrender, peace, and immersion in the present moment. Her teaching approach focuses on creating a supportive and nurturing environment where students can safely and deeply explore their practice, enhanced by the gentle integration of Reiki energy.

Interested in joining our team?

Email us your trainings, certifications and recommendations here.


Our Practice



In order to best facilitate family yoga experiences, Harmony Family Yoga made conscious decision to use products made of organic materials, and eco-friendly mats and yoga gear.


With eco-friendly activities and green products, we aim to build a true and trust relationship to allow children and adults of all ages to engage in fun activities in a safe environment.


Sharing yoga is a unique experience and a lifelong journey from the self to the self. Living holistically for a better physical, mental and emotional health by living our life in a way that is both natural to us and the world in which we live.


Giving back is always our priority as we engage with the families in our community. Making one change at a time, we work together with local business and non-profit organizations to cultivate good karma and build a yoga community with loving kindness.
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